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V2EX  ›  LancerEvo  ›  全部回复第 28 页 / 共 34 页
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2016-11-11 16:55:38 +08:00
回复了 panyanyany 创建的主题 机械键盘 有没有便宜好用的 [无线 机械键盘] 推荐?
如果有便宜 好用 无线 还机械的键盘 我买 10 个
2016-11-10 22:41:51 +08:00
回复了 UnitTest 创建的主题 汽车 10 万左右的车,不知道该怎么选,纠结了。
这么说也不合适 其实喜欢机械的本来就是很少一部分人

目前状态是出了踏板和 ninja 250 打算明年夏天在 gsr750, s1000rr 和 rsv4rr 里选一辆 还想搞辆 atv
2016-11-10 22:30:33 +08:00
回复了 wbing 创建的主题 买买买 双十一,都来晒晒自己的购物车呗!!!
恩 关键是你自己搞一台 6700 可能也差不多 9000 了 假设你不打算买垃圾电源和机箱的话
2016-11-10 18:53:46 +08:00
回复了 whwq2012 创建的主题 买买买 U 盘掉了,想买一个 U 盘求推荐
"IT ’ S FUNNY, isn ’ t it, how people argue about which mobile phone is best. Honestly and truthfully, to the vast majority of people, they are indistinguishable. It ’ s the same with wine. Of course there is a handful of enthusiasts who in a blind tasting really can tell white from red, but to the rest of us a £4.99 bottle of Château d ’ Asda tastes the same, and has the same effect, as a £45,000 bottle of Pétrus.

In fact this is true of absolutely everything. Cheese. Pizzas. Caribbean islands. I spoke with a famous rock god the other day, who agreed that the whole debate about guitars is nonsense because they ’ re all identical.

And so are cities, really. Brummies will argue that Birmingham is better than Manchester or Liverpool or Sheffield. But to the casual observer they ’ re as different as milk bottles.

Then there ’ s music. To those who were born under the influence of Stanley Baldwin, the Rolling Stones sound exactly the same as N-Dubz. It ’ s all just boom, boom, boom, as the elderly are fond of saying. And I know what they mean because I simply cannot tell one piece of classical music from another. Unless it ’ s been used in an advert on the television, it ’ s all just one endless parade of girls sitting with their legs wide apart, sawing a cello in half with a bit of horse, and men blowing in tubes.

Yes, there are people who can tell not just Bach from Chopin, but also what orchestra they ’ re listening to and even what conductor is in charge. But for people with jobs and friends? No. It ’ s all just bars and tone.

You know where this is going and, of course, you ’ re right. Cars are all the same too. They ’ re all Volkswagen Golfs. There are fast Golfs and big Golfs and cheap Golfs. There are Japanese Golfs and V12 Golfs and American Golfs. But they ’ re all Golfs.

I can tell the difference between a Ford Focus and a Vauxhall Astra, but that ’ s because I ’ m a nerd. However, I ’ m not such a nerd that I don ’ t realise both are actually Golfs. You could put my mother in a Lincoln Town Car and she would be incapable of telling it apart from her own car. Which is a Golf. She thinks my Range Rover is a Golf, too, albeit one that is idiotically hard to park.

She ’ s right, of course. I sometimes wonder why anyone ever buys anything else. You want a fast car? Buy a Golf GTI. You want an economical car? Buy a Golf diesel. You want a cheap car? Buy a Golf from the second-hand columns. You want a big car? Buy a Golf Plus. You want a convertible car? Don ’ t buy a Golf convertible. It ’ s terrible. But do buy a Volkswagen Eos. Which is a Golf."
倒不是鄙视日活 30w 太少 因为我的博客日活只有个位数 但是一秒钟十个请求的量级讨论什么架构。。。
It's like trying to find the greatest ever solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
2016-11-10 18:48:16 +08:00
回复了 123s 创建的主题 iPhone 我是买 iphone7 还是等下一代再买?
负责任的说 应该买 android
2016-11-10 18:39:57 +08:00
回复了 leafof 创建的主题 macOS macOS 下哪个能代替 Office,稳定不崩溃。。。
作为码农 我对 word 的理解就是做简历 对 excel 的理解就是画表格记录开销。。这点需求其实 pages+google doc 足够用了 尤其是简历 选个模板就完了。。。

而画 ppt 的话 keynote 感觉更漂亮

我知道 excel 其实很厉害 如果有重度需求的话应该搞个 windows 电脑啊
2016-11-10 02:33:34 +08:00
回复了 mrhuiyu 创建的主题 问与答 如果个人站用纯 txt 编写会怎么样?
如果都是 1024 那样的我不介意每天刷一刷
2016-11-09 15:59:59 +08:00
回复了 LancerEvo 创建的主题 问与答 sierra 系统支持自己换第三方 ssd 吗?
因为记得以前第三方 ssd 需要手动开启 trim 然后有一段时间 mac os 不支持了 看来现在是没问题啦~
打算过一阵子把台式机里的 850evo 换到 mac mini 里头 然后台式机换 960pro XD
2016-11-09 14:07:04 +08:00
回复了 Zero24 创建的主题 硬件 GT1070 + 4K 显示器玩游戏鼠标飘
这不是很正常吗 4k 可是 4 个 1080p 啊 如果只有 30fps 肯定能感觉到延迟吧
2016-11-08 19:17:13 +08:00
回复了 gainsurier 创建的主题 程序员 大家读书时候软件工程怎么上的?
我是 cs 专业的 我表示貌似没上过这门课 即使上过也是个选修 太不重要以至于我都不记得我上过了
2016-11-08 19:15:54 +08:00
回复了 smilingsun 创建的主题 macOS 怎么教女朋友尽快上手并且“用好”Mac?
把你和她的 windows 电脑全扔了她自然就很快上手了
2016-11-08 19:12:08 +08:00
回复了 wdrsam 创建的主题 问与答 一般饮水机的水,倒出后多少小时就不宜喝了?
楼主太讲究了 我一般是打开家里的水龙头直接接一杯凉水就喝了
2016-11-07 14:57:31 +08:00
回复了 webdev 创建的主题 问与答 小孩打字练习,什么软件靠谱
一路看下来 只找到一个同龄人 @sxy707
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