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2017-09-04 20:58:17 +08:00
回复了 Vkin 创建的主题 Android 为什么 genymotion 虚拟机无法运行京东?
@bluesky139 我的也是 6.0 系统 ,
2017-09-04 20:58:03 +08:00
回复了 Vkin 创建的主题 Android 为什么 genymotion 虚拟机无法运行京东?
@woyaojizhu8 都是同一个 apk
2017-09-03 09:52:48 +08:00
回复了 Vkin 创建的主题 问与答 什么鬼,申请 google voice 挂了 2 天,都没申请到
@chocolatesir 好的,目前试了 la,和 da 两个城市的 ip,都没成功,我再试试
@gtanyin 解决了,把模拟器降到 6 就能运行了。
@xingda920813 好的,我换 6.0 的安卓试试,昨天折腾了 4.0,也是一样的闪退情况,我以为是安卓版本太低,然后今天装了 7.0,依旧闪退,于是来发帖求助。
@RLib 找到了,麻烦大神帮忙看看 logcat.txt , 内容太多,直接把这个文件传到百度盘了。 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qX923As
@RLib genymotion 如何查看 logcat ? 谷歌没找到 /囧
@RLib 闪退的是应用,所有应用都闪退,包括安卓系统自带的音乐应用也闪退,
@RLib 这个有点太伤经动骨,有没有不重装 vbox 的方法?
@Pastsong 这个有用否?
@pisser 装了,app 已经正常安装了,但一打开就闪退。
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [Adb] adb found at "/Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/adb"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [Aapt] aapt found at "/Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/aapt"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [Adb] adb found at "/Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/adb"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [Aapt] aapt found at "/Applications/Genymotion.app/Contents/MacOS/tools/aapt"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/cache/network/"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/templates/"
9 月 2 12:04:29 [Genymotion] [debug] [ComputeCacheSize] 1276465605 bytes found
9 月 2 12:04:40 [Genymotion] [debug] Virtual devices directory: "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/"
9 月 2 12:04:40 [Genymotion] [debug] Screencast directory: "/Users/liuhan"
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] Memory: 3072
9 月 2 12:04:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:04:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "bridgedifs")
9 月 2 12:04:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] CPU number: 4
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Memory (RAM): 3072
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Set new resolution/DPI: "1440" x "2560" - "640"
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Full screen status: false
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Navigation bar visibility: false
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Virtual keyboard option: true
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] Networking 1 ""
9 月 2 12:04:51 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--cpus", "4")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--memory", "3072")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_graph_mode", "1440x2560-16")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_dpi", "640")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_full_screen", "no")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_force_navbar", "0")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vkeyboard_mode", "2")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--nic2", "nat")
9 月 2 12:04:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] Memory: 3072
9 月 2 12:07:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:07:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "bridgedifs")
9 月 2 12:07:43 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Host date and time: "02 Sep 2017 12:07:49 +0800"
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/content/video/" )
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [debug] "Local socket created at path: /var/folders/y6/q1xcj91d1zv66pcdmlhz1fgh0000gn/T/cd2139becae376971b26861159fc2f8c"
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [warning] **** STARTING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
9 月 2 12:07:49 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Player version: "2.9.0"
9 月 2 12:07:50 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
9 月 2 12:07:50 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
9 月 2 12:07:50 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Host date and time: "02 Sep 2017 12:15:43 +0800"
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/content/video/" )
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [debug] "Local socket created at path: /var/folders/y6/q1xcj91d1zv66pcdmlhz1fgh0000gn/T/cd2139becae376971b26861159fc2f8c"
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [warning] **** STARTING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
9 月 2 12:15:43 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Player version: "2.9.0"
9 月 2 12:15:44 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
9 月 2 12:15:44 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
9 月 2 12:15:44 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 12:17:16 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 12:17:16 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 12:17:16 [Genymotion] [debug] Cannot edit settings of a running virtual device: "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560"
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] Memory: 3072
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "bridgedifs")
9 月 2 11:42:42 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] CPU number: 4
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Memory (RAM): 3072
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Set new resolution/DPI: "1440" x "2560" - "640"
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Full screen status: false
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Navigation bar visibility: true
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Virtual keyboard option: true
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] Networking 1 ""
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--cpus", "4")
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:52 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--memory", "3072")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_graph_mode", "1440x2560-16")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_dpi", "640")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_full_screen", "no")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_force_navbar", "1")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vkeyboard_mode", "2")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--nic2", "nat")
9 月 2 11:42:53 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Host date and time: "02 Sep 2017 11:42:55 +0800"
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/content/video/" )
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [debug] "Local socket created at path: /var/folders/y6/q1xcj91d1zv66pcdmlhz1fgh0000gn/T/cd2139becae376971b26861159fc2f8c"
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [warning] **** STARTING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
9 月 2 11:42:55 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Player version: "2.9.0"
9 月 2 11:42:56 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
9 月 2 11:42:56 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
9 月 2 11:42:57 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Host date and time: "02 Sep 2017 11:50:20 +0800"
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [warning] libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/content/video/" )
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [debug] "Local socket created at path: /var/folders/y6/q1xcj91d1zv66pcdmlhz1fgh0000gn/T/cd2139becae376971b26861159fc2f8c"
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [warning] **** STARTING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
9 月 2 11:50:20 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Player version: "2.9.0"
9 月 2 11:50:21 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
9 月 2 11:50:21 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
9 月 2 11:50:21 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--nictype1", "virtio")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--cableconnected1", "on")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_player_version", "1")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "template_uuid", "6185bb7c-1f96-40bb-9f6c-798bd7547d36")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "datadisk_size", "32768")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "release_date", "周一 3 月 20 22:40:18 2017 GMT")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "sensor_camera", "1")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "sensor_gyro", "1")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_graph_mode", "1440x2560-16")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "vbox_dpi", "640")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_force_navbar", "0")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "android_version", "7.1.0")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_version", "2.9.0")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_platform", "p")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--cpus", "4")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--memory", "3072")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "set", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "genymotion_device_id", "000000000000000")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("snapshot", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "take", "factory-backup", "--description", "Initial snapshot to reset factory state")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560" : Snapshot created with success: "factory-backup"
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] Virtual device created with success: "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560"
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] Creation status: "The virtual device has been created successfully."
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:33 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:42:41 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:23 [Genymotion] [debug] finished received
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] Local OVA file computed SHA1 is "268205c37cb20f843d4feeec83ea2580948daf45"
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] Server said we should have that OVA hash: "268205c37cb20f843d4feeec83ea2580948daf45"
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] Searching virtual device with same name
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] Virtual device to create: "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560"
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "systemproperties")
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] VBox machinefolder path setting is "/Users/liuhan/VirtualBox VMs"
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("setproperty", "machinefolder", "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed")
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:24 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("import", "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/ova/genymotion_vbox86p_7.1_170320_224018.ova", "--vsys", "0", "--vmname", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--cpus", "4", "--memory", "3072", "--unit", "10", "--disk", "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560/android_system_disk.vmdk", "--unit", "11", "--disk", "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560/android_data_disk.vmdk", "--unit", "12", "--disk", "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560/android_sdcard_disk.vmdk")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("storageattach", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--storagectl", "IDEController", "--port", "1", "--device", "0", "--medium", "none")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("closemedium", "disk", "12460bcd-9f7b-4037-acdd-9d772d8d7587", "--delete")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("setproperty", "machinefolder", "/Users/liuhan/VirtualBox VMs")
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
9 月 2 11:34:31 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "vboxnet0" interface status ( QHostAddress( "" ) )
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "vboxnet1" interface status ( QHostAddress( "" ) )
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] "vboxnet1" Interface seems compatible
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "dhcpservers")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [getAvailableDhcpServerList] "HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0" DHCP server is not enabled
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1" DHCP server is associated with "vboxnet1" interface
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "vboxnet1" interface is compatible
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--nic1", "hostonly")
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:34:32 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("modifyvm", "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 7.1.0 - API 25 - 1440x2560", "--hostonlyadapter1", "vboxnet1")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] DHCP server created with success
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] set "vboxnet1" to host.only.interface
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] [createHostOnlyInterface] "vboxnet1" host-only interface is ready to use
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("--version")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] VMX/SVM CPU availability: true
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] VM engine version: "5.1.22r115126"
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "vms")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "6f19ade6-55b7-4f76-93a8-ba25451358c8")
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] "User alphav ([email protected]) logged on Hub"
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] Pending calls: 0
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] POST QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/licenses/activation/" )
9 月 2 11:00:55 [Genymotion] [debug] [doRequest] Requesting: "https://cloud.genymotion.com/stats/report/genymotion/"
9 月 2 11:00:56 [Genymotion] [debug] [doRequest] done
9 月 2 11:00:56 [Genymotion] [debug] Stats sent
9 月 2 11:00:56 [Genymotion] [debug] [tokenError] "HTTP code 403: Activation failed: license have never been registered Error downloading https://cloud.genymotion.com/licenses/activation/ - server replied: FORBIDDEN"
9 月 2 11:00:56 [Genymotion] [warning] token error 11 "HTTP code 403: Activation failed: license have never been registered Error downloading https://cloud.genymotion.com/licenses/activation/ - server replied: FORBIDDEN"
9 月 2 11:00:56 [Genymotion] [warning] License validity reaches the minimum acceptable value.
9 月 2 11:01:02 [Genymotion] [debug] Found file "2bb3d2b7-3b56-476a-b13e-ffc57722b1a5.bin"
9 月 2 11:01:02 [Genymotion] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/vmtemplate/getall" )
9 月 2 11:01:03 [Genymotion] [debug] Genymotion template count: 112
9 月 2 11:01:03 [Genymotion] [debug] template list retrieved: 112
9 月 2 11:01:06 [Genymotion] [debug] Try to delete file: "/Users/liuhan/.Genymobile/Genymotion/templates/2bb3d2b7-3b56-476a-b13e-ffc57722b1a5.bin"
9 月 2 11:01:06 [Genymotion] [debug] Template remove successfully: "Custom Phone - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 768x1280"
9 月 2 11:01:15 [Genymotion] [debug] Searching virtual device with same name
9 月 2 11:01:17 [Genymotion] [debug] Launching download
9 月 2 11:01:17 [Genymotion] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/vmtemplate/6185bb7c-1f96-40bb-9f6c-798bd7547d36/getova" )
9 月 2 11:01:17 [Genymotion] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
9 月 2 11:01:17 [Genymotion] [debug] Start timer
9 月 2 11:01:18 [Genymotion] [debug] Remote file size: 362496000 , current local file size: 0
9 月 2 11:01:18 [Genymotion] [debug] Starting new download
9 月 2 11:01:18 [Genymotion] [debug] Downloading file "http://dl.genymotion.com/dists/7.1.0/ova/genymotion_vbox86p_7.1_170320_224018.ova"
9 月 2 11:01:18 [Genymotion] [debug] Start timer
9 月 2 11:01:21 [Genymotion] [debug] Slideshow loaded: OK
2017-08-25 11:11:30 +08:00
回复了 Vkin 创建的主题 iPhone 有没有远程协助 iPhone 的软件?
2017-08-23 21:16:09 +08:00
回复了 Vkin 创建的主题 iPhone 有没有远程协助 iPhone 的软件?
@tagtag 感谢详细解答。
2017-08-02 18:21:04 +08:00
回复了 1oNflow 创建的主题 程序员 目前如何 telnet 注册登录台湾 PTT 账户?
很奇怪为什么 ptt 一直坚持这种老式的网站风格?求解。
2017-07-31 16:56:08 +08:00
回复了 Reign 创建的主题 程序员 “每日签到”用英文怎么说?
mei ri check
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