我更觉得现在 DRM 理直气壮才是问题,
上面网站的做法已经属于 DRM 了,DRM 实际上会使客户受到麻烦,下载个东西怎么了?难道不行吗?
https://www.eff.org/issues/drm EFF 的文章
http://defectivebydesign.org FSF 的运动
更让我觉得心寒的是居然大多数人都不自觉的支持了 DRM
GNU 反对 Copyright,我不反对,因为没有著作权太难了,你不能让所有人都那么"无私"
但 DRM 我是绝对反对的,它是损人利己的事情,是奸商们限制用户的工具.
什么是 DRM?我从上面连接 EFF 的文章里摘一段话:
Bought an ebook from Amazon but can't read it on your ebook reader of choice? That's DRM.
Bought a video game but can't play it today because the manufacturer's "authentication servers" are offline? That's DRM.
Bought a smartphone but can't use the applications or the service provider you want on it? That's DRM.
Bought a DVD or Blu-Ray but can't copy the video onto your portable media player? That's DRM.
另外,去了以上几个网校看了一下,说我 flash 版本过低(Arch+Chromium) 我想使用 flash 而不是 html5 video tag 恐怕也是一种不良心行为吧.