programV2 #14 的确可以从两边都居住的角度整理一下思路,说不定你能找到回避掉 US 账单地址的解决方案。但只要你跟他讲了你是中国用户且从未在 US 居住,那么很可能就会跟我一样上来就被永久 ban 了。然后我找了一下对话里,下面这两句是他说的供你参考一下
"PayPal accounts are country specific and hence it is not advisable to open an US PayPal account if you do not reside or are a citizen of the USA."
"... but unfortunately, as you do not stay there, I do not see any option for you to be able to use the US PayPal account."
"But limitations are placed for a reason, the reason being to protect PayPal and keeping PayPal safe for making transactions."
"And we do not have a way of making an exception here."
"I suggest you may look forward to any other payment processor other than PayPal."
吐槽一下 PayPal 这家公司真的是很傲慢的。机械式套话复制来复制去,口口声声为了所谓的"safe"和所谓的"procedure"。