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🏢  EmploymentJapan.com / Managing Director
V2EX 第 591802 号会员,加入于 2022-08-20 12:07:36 +08:00
Coming from an IT background of SAP consulting, IT Business development, and then running the country operations of an IT consulting multinational, Himanshu is co-founder and Managing Director of ReachExt K.K., and EmploymentJapan.com. He is also an Advisory Board Member of a Silicon Valley AI/IoT startup.
hjains 最近回复了
2022-09-20 12:39:51 +08:00
回复了 jyjmrlk 创建的主题 求职 [日本] 有没有在日本工作的前辈指个路
自己的路要自己走。向楼主推荐个网站。https://www.employmentjapan.com/ 。然而,楼主千万记得按 Highly Skilled Foreign Professional visa 的标准,自己算算自己可能的分数。: https://www.employmentjapan.com/japan-corner/japan-visa/japanese-highly-skilled-professional-hsp-visa/
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