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This offer is good for select .edu domains only. We have tried to include the top 500 universities worldwide (this is not U.S. focused) but we can’t guarantee all universities are supported. We may also disable certain universities where we see abuse.


我第一眼看楼主写的就觉得很可疑 像我所在学校这种老外根本不可能记住的 怎么可能还把它们贴出来 事实上学校列表肯定是楼主编的 楼主发的链接也是 推荐链接 相同学校有人注册会发放1美元给楼主
2013-12-22 11:42:23 +08:00
回复了 coolair 创建的主题 问与答 有什么地方能买到计算机类书籍的文字PDF版本?
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