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2020-12-31 12:30:25 +08:00
回复了 RIDESU 创建的主题 Apple 求推荐一款 Type-C 的集线器
2020-12-31 12:29:42 +08:00
回复了 RIDESU 创建的主题 Apple 求推荐一款 Type-C 的集线器
of Downstream USB-C ports Product link Host PC connection Power provided by? Downstream port PD charging? Data bandwidth Additional ports DisplayPort Alt mode? Price (USD)
4 Juiced VertexHub Detachable USB-C cable (included) External 48 watt power supply included No – legacy charging 5V @ 2A 10Gb/s 3x USB A No ~$80
2 Juiced QuadHub Integrated USB-C cable Host PC No – legacy charging 5V @ 900mA depending on host PC 10Gb/s 2x USB A No ~$40
4 CoolGear CG-240W-PD Detachable USB-C cable External 250W power supply included Yes – up to 20V @ 3A per port 5Gb/s n/a No ~$300
7 Coolgear CG-7U3CML Detachable USB-C cable External power supply available separately No – legacy charging 5V @ 1-2A 5Gb/s n/a No ~$130
4 CoolGear CG-4U3CML Detachable USB-C cable External power supply available separately No – legacy charging 5V @ 1-2A 5Gb/s n/a No ~$100
2 Coolgear CG-7PU313C-PS Detachable USB-C cable External 60W power supply included No – legacy charging 5V @ 1-2A 5Gb/s 5x USB A No ~$100
2 Coolgear CG-4P31CHUB
/ CG-4P31CHUB-M Detachable USB-C cable External 60W power supply included No – legacy charging 5V @ 1-2A 10GB/s 2x USB A No ~$125
2 Belkin F4U090BTBLK Integrated USB-C cable Host PC No – legacy charging 5V @ 900mA 5Gb/s 2x USB A No ~$100
2 Trust 208020 Integrated USB-C cable Host PC No – legacy charging 5V @ 900mA 5Gb/s 2x USB A No discontinued
4 (3 when using PD power brick on CN-386 model) SiteCom CN-385 / CN-386 Integrated USB-C cable Host PC (CN-386 model can use external 100W PD charger available separately) No – legacy charging 5V @ 1.5A (can charge upstream laptop @ ~85-100W) 5Gb/s n/a No ~$50-70
2 StarTech HB30C5A2CST Detachable USB-C -> USB B superspeed cable included External 36W power supply included No – legacy charging 5V @ up to 2.4A 5Gb/s 4x USB A
1x USB A charge port No ~$80
2 DeLock 63260 Integrated USB-C cable Host PC No – legacy charging 5V @ 1.5A 10Gb/s 2x USB A No ~$45
2 (1 when using PD charging brick) DeLock 64504 Detachable USB-C cable External 10W power supply included AND/OR separate 60W PD charging brick No – legacy charging 5V @ 900mA (can charge upstream laptop @ ~60W) 10Gb/s 2x USB A No ~$80
3 RaidSonic IB-HUB-1429-CPD Integrated USB-C cable Host PC OR separate 60W PD charging brick No – legacy charging 5V only (can charge upstream laptop @ ~60W) 10Gb/s n/a No ~$50
2 RaidSonic IB-HUB1427-C31 Integrated USB-C cable Host PC No – legacy charging 5V only 10Gb/s 2x USB A No ~$35
2 Dell WD19 Dock Integrated USB-C cable External 130W power supply included Yes – PD 5V @ 3A (15W per port) (can charge upstream laptop @ ~90W – some older specimens limited to 60W) 10Gb/s 4x USB A, Ethernet, Audio, 2x DP, 1x HDMI Yes (rear port only)
2020-12-31 12:28:15 +08:00
回复了 RIDESU 创建的主题 Apple 求推荐一款 Type-C 的集线器
@RIDESU 哥哥 这个可不普通, 雷电三做不到 hub 这是雷电 4 hub 给雷电三, 目前市场上最强之一.
2020-12-31 12:20:19 +08:00
回复了 ciki 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 求推荐个扩展坞,不要 hdmi
严格意义是 pd 给扩展充电, 就是给笔记本充
2020-12-31 12:19:38 +08:00
回复了 ciki 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 求推荐个扩展坞,不要 hdmi
@ciki 可以的. 而且是苹果官方无损充电
2020-12-31 12:17:31 +08:00
回复了 RIDESU 创建的主题 Apple 求推荐一款 Type-C 的集线器
2020-12-31 10:15:48 +08:00
回复了 bytesfold 创建的主题 Apple M1 京造的拓展坞可以用吗,会不会烧主板,能否 4K 60 帧
不能, 请看我发过的帖子
2020-12-30 15:52:44 +08:00
回复了 liju1994 创建的主题 Apple Apple 20W 充电头真假问题
担心会买到假的 直接买个假的就行了, 这都是行业标准, 直接购买任何第三方 合规产品都行

2020-12-30 11:33:31 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS mbp 每次重启后 usb 网卡总是无法连接!
@ihwbunny 这个就真不知道了, 目前 大家用扩展坞 出问题的都是 m1
2020-12-30 10:28:11 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS mbp 每次重启后 usb 网卡总是无法连接!
Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Extensions/AppleRTL815XEthernet110.kext
Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=71 "Incompatible architecture: Binary is for x86_64, but needed arch arm64e
Incompatible architecture: Binary is for x86_64, but needed arch arm64e" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Incompatible architecture: Binary is for x86_64, but needed arch arm64e
Incompatible architecture: Binary is for x86_64, but needed arch arm64e}

看来不支持 m1
2020-12-30 10:12:23 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS mbp 每次重启后 usb 网卡总是无法连接!
@crystone 丢了吧 换 微软 1663
2020-12-29 23:37:52 +08:00
回复了 Scaredfish 创建的主题 Apple 关于 Caldigit TS3 plus 扩展坞与 Macbook Pro M1
m1 的问题
2020-12-29 22:26:11 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS 一个免驱 44 元的 苹果外置摄像头方案 ,省得有些人找不到
@Tokin 不错 50 元 的 app 很贵啊
我全部 做过测试, 楼主你的想法 不能实现.
如果软件关了内屏 也不会 True tone 功能
1 打开你的盖子 , 2 慢慢合上 垫手指轻合, 内屏关闭, 本子也没有完全关闭.
2020-12-29 20:38:07 +08:00
回复了 ian19znj 创建的主题 iOS 快捷直径能不能做到断开 Wifi 时自动打开蜂窝?
累吗?一元而已 活着不是为开心随意吗

回家把卡取出来,全部不要插回 装钱包里.
2020-12-29 20:10:32 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS 一个免驱 44 元的 苹果外置摄像头方案 ,省得有些人找不到
@magicalxxzzcc 随便买个直插 mic 就行 插在黑苹果机箱上 30 元的就够了 还能 hi siri
@zJeff 调低显示器亮度来欺骗自己 这种方法只是关闭液晶显示器的背光,GPU 仍然在驱动显示器;
2020-12-29 19:59:47 +08:00
回复了 jojobobo 创建的主题 macOS 一个免驱 44 元的 苹果外置摄像头方案 ,省得有些人找不到
@qpskcn1 你这种不轻巧,
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