1. 数据平台的搭建,就是你现在看的hadoop, spark, storm的生态圈。
2. ETL 也是很重要的一块 ,flume databus 等解决方案来搞.
3. 建设好了基础设施一般上还要有关系型数据库来做data mart,比较牛逼激进的公司会使用些nosql ,hbase之流 这也是一环。
4. 再来就是数据挖掘,对算法要求比较高,把业务问题抽象成数据模型来解决
5. 最后一块是数据展示层或是说数据产品,把你的算法模型也好,牛逼的基础架构也好,要通过数据展示让业务买账,促进公司业务的发展,这才是“大”数据的本质。
3. 偏向数据库,可以学学数据库,MYSQL 是很好的方向,也很多东西可以学
4. 学统计学,学机器学习,各式技巧,网上爬数据或公开的数据自己做分析
5. 很多做技术的人比较忽略这点,数据怎么打包成数据产品是很有学问的。这点需要很好的business sense,前端怎么展现的技术点不难.
通过VPN 下下来了。新的feature如下
Added *added-7.4*
Various syntax, indent and other plugins were added.
Added support for |Lists| and |Dictionaries| in |viminfo|. (Christian
Bitwise functions: |and()|, |or()|, |invert()|, |xor()|.
Added |luaeval()| function. (Taro Muraoka, Luis Carvalho)
Added |sha256()| function. (Tyru, Hirohito Higashi)
Added |wildmenumode()| function. (Christian Brabandt)
Debugging functions: |screenattr()|, |screenchar()|, |screencol()|,
|screenrow()|. (Simon Ruderich, Bram Moolenaar)
Added ability to use |Dictionary-function|s for |sort()|ing, via
optional third argument. (Nikolay Pavlov)
Added special |expand()| argument that expands to the current line
Made it possible to force |char2nr()| always give unicode codepoints
regardless of current encoding. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
Made it possible for functions generating file list generate |List|
and not NL-separated string. (e.g. |glob()|, |expand()|) (Christian
Functions that obtain variables from the specific window, tabpage or
buffer scope dictionary can now return specified default value in
place of empty string in case variable is not found. (|gettabvar()|,
|getwinvar()|, |getbufvar()|) (Shougo Matsushita, Hirohito Higashi)
Added |InsertCharPre| event launched before inserting character.
(Jakson A. Aquino)
Added |CompleteDone| event launched after finishing completion in
insert mode. (idea by Florian Klein)
Added |QuitPre| event launched when commands that can either close Vim
or only some window(s) are launched.
Added |TextChanged| and |TextChangedI| events launched when text is
|:syntime| command useful for debugging.
Made it possible to remove all signs from the current buffer using
|:sign-unplace|. (Christian Brabandt)
Added |:language| autocompletion. (Dominique Pelle)
Added more |:command-complete| completion types: |:behave| suboptions,
color schemes, compilers, |:cscope| suboptions, files from 'path',
|:history| suboptions, locale names, |:syntime| suboptions, user
names. (Dominique Pelle)
Added |:map-nowait| creating mapping which when having lhs that is the
prefix of another mapping’s lhs will not allow Vim to wait for user to
type more characters to resolve ambiguity, forcing Vim to take the
shorter alternative: one with <nowait>.
Made it possible to ignore case when completing: 'wildignorecase'.
Added ability to delete comment leader when using |J| by `j` flag in
'formatoptions' (|fo-table|). (Lech Lorens)
Added ability to control indentation inside namespaces: |cino-N|.
(Konstantin Lepa)
Added ability to control alignment inside `if` condition separately
from alignment inside function arguments: |cino-k|. (Lech Lorens)
Improved support for cmd.exe. (Ben Fritz, Bram Moolenaar)
Added |v:windowid| variable containing current window number in GUI
Vim. (Christian J. Robinson, Lech Lorens)
Added rxvt-unicode and SGR mouse support. (Yiding Jia, Hayaki Saito)