V2EX = way to explore
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Destined To Fail
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 16:28:06 PM
Achieving overnight success: Tom Preston-Werner
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 15:14:05 PM  •  最后回复来自 lyxint
Yahoo, religion and the web
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 14:28:06 PM
Why Bad Jobs-or No Jobs-Happen to Good Workers
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 13:14:06 PM
Area Journalist Partying Too Hard
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 13:07:05 PM
Piracy Advert Used Stolen Music
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-23 12:07:05 PM
2012 State of Clojure survey now open
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 23:07:06 PM
Scalability: PostgreSQL vs MySQL
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 22:49:05 PM
Video: Nexus 7 touchscreen defect
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 21:28:06 PM
OVH's Maintenance SSH Keys compromised
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 20:56:21 PM
I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 20:56:06 PM
Men Walk On Moon - July 20th 1969
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 20:49:06 PM
Physicists solve Casimir conundrum
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 19:49:05 PM
JSTerm, Firefox JavaScript terminal
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 19:21:05 PM
How to hack the beliefs that are holding you back
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 18:21:06 PM
Programming is not algebra
Blog  •  lyxint  •  2012-07-20 16:14:05 PM
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