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🏢  JavaScript Developer
V2EX 第 199625 号会员,加入于 2016-11-02 23:56:18 +08:00
osmanmesutozcan 最近回复了
@20015jjw I wish it was as easy as it sounds to land a job from Google :D Still there are Teams / Start-up companies has suitable environment for foreigners
@xiechengen I actually found a really great article on Medium about this. Check this out if you re interested. https://medium.com/@jiyinyiyong/what-we-have-in-china-about-react-js-9af983fcb984#.bk2b1n784
@xiechengen The community actually had grown rapidly. There are number of forums and also people are sharing lots of questions in SegmentFault( Chinese StackOverflow) under the react tag. Also VueJS is very popular around here.
@InfinitySam Ahaha yeah he is actually my roommate.
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