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V2EX  ›  owenliang  ›  全部回复第 28 页 / 共 32 页
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2017-09-14 11:08:59 +08:00
回复了 xiaotianhu 创建的主题 程序员 想做到读懂 Nginx/ PHP 这种项目的源码需要哪些技能?
首先,你得会 linux 网络服务开发,有充足的积累,然后才能扎进去玩源码。
2017-09-14 11:05:04 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@daimao 酷。
@zmj1316 酷。
@shihira 是这种 suck 的感觉。
2017-09-13 16:12:53 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
2017-09-13 14:03:56 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@meecle no, what we discus is c++ iteself.
2017-09-13 13:58:42 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@daimao Is there any feature we have to use in c++11? and what if without c++11?
2017-09-13 13:47:02 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
I dived into c ++ 8 years ago, but I still can not persuade myself to learn c ++ 11.
2017-09-13 13:44:56 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@meecle doesn't c++11 terrified you ?
2017-09-13 13:39:18 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@AngelCriss cool, man.
2017-09-13 13:38:53 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
i don't know what i am doing when using c++11, this feeling is really bad for me.
2017-09-13 13:24:06 +08:00
回复了 Daft 创建的主题 Linux 咨询各位 V 友
2017-09-13 13:21:28 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@northisland no boost at all, c++03 means c with class and STL for me, which are really meaningful.
2017-09-13 13:19:16 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@enenaaa c++11 brings us more pain than happiness.
2017-09-13 13:18:36 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
@msg7086 good job, sed is useful.
2017-09-13 13:09:46 +08:00
回复了 MrXiong 创建的主题 Java 请问各位,公司内部的接口文档是怎么管理的?
gitlab README
2017-09-13 13:07:48 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 C if you learn c++11, we are not friend anymore.
if you think c++11 is good, we end the talk.
2017-09-13 09:12:33 +08:00
回复了 flowfire 创建的主题 程序员 话说如果通过深度学习预测彩票中奖号码会怎么样…………
2017-09-11 13:19:02 +08:00
回复了 qiuyk 创建的主题 Node.js 写了某个项目的 node 版...
2017-09-11 13:18:17 +08:00
回复了 yanyuan2046 创建的主题 Go 编程语言 基于 redis 的延时任务队列
还不如直接在 go 里用时间轮做个定时器,走 redis 就为了个持久化意义太小了。
2017-09-11 13:07:08 +08:00
回复了 owenliang 创建的主题 MacBook Pro macbook 在家里落灰了。。
@UnknownR 汗!
2017-09-08 18:10:53 +08:00
回复了 sea516 创建的主题 职场话题 刚入职,也进了一个大坑,如何优雅让领导知道这个坑很大
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