6 Batch
If the batch rpc call itself fails to be recognized as an valid JSON or as an Array with at least one value, the response from the Server MUST be a single Response object. If there are no Response objects contained within the Response array as it is to be sent to the client, the server MUST NOT return an empty Array and should return nothing at all.
若批量调用的 rpc 操作本身非一个有效 json 或一个至少包含一个值的数组,则服务端返回的将单单是一个响应对象而非数组。若批量调用没有需要返回的响应对象,则服务端不需要返回任何结果且必须不能返回一个空数组给客户端。
原文地址: http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#batch
译文地址: http://wiki.geekdream.com/Specification/json-rpc_2.0.html
老实说,加粗的地方有看没有懂,求达人解释下 0 0
watzds 2017-09-17 09:17:33 +08:00 via Android 1
我觉得是,非一个有效 json 或"非"一个至少包含一个值的数组
mcfog 2017-09-17 10:16:34 +08:00
自己往下拉看 example 里 batch 相关的