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2021-07-23 05:14:32 +08:00
回复了 find456789 创建的主题 问与答 程序员学英语,应该选英式, 还是美式?
@Rocketer 说反了,书面上来讲,国际英语就是英式英语,美式英语 [法理上] 来说只有美国用,实际上扩大到北美,但再往外就没人用了(加拿大和澳洲还是两个奇怪的缝合怪——加拿大部分词汇的拼写上采用英式,但一些词汇的差异上被美国人带偏了;澳洲部分词汇的拼写上采用美式,但实际上无论是词汇还是口音都更偏英国一点)。这也怪美国人自己,当年那么好的机会,愣是让联合国将英语的标准定为「英式英语,牛津拼写」。口语和语音上各地都不一样,没有比较的意义。
Firefox 可能能行,Chrome 就白搭了。
2021-07-11 12:29:23 +08:00
回复了 LnTrx 创建的主题 宽带症候群 今天电信跨境似乎不太正常
昨晚 9/10 点多开始的,几个小时后就好了。北方联通宽带用户。
**Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 might wait until 2022: Is that the right move?**
*A later release might be necessary, but Samsung could also miss the boat.*
By Jon Fingas •15 hours ago
2021-07-07 17:25:45 +08:00
回复了 zxCoder 创建的主题 问与答 WSL 你们都怎么读?
另外,Double U, Ess, El 是 5 个音节。后面俩都是单音节词。
2021-07-07 17:23:45 +08:00
回复了 zxCoder 创建的主题 问与答 WSL 你们都怎么读?

W, or w, is the twenty-third and fourth-to-last letter of the modern English and ISO basic Latin alphabets. It usually represents a consonant, but in some languages it represents a vowel. Its name in English is double-u,[note 1] plural double-ues.[1][2]
Double-u, whose name reflects stages in the letter's evolution when it was considered two of the same letter, a double U, is the only modern English letter whose name has more than one syllable.[note 3] It is also the only English letter whose name is not pronounced with any of the sounds that the letter typically makes in words, with the exception of H for some speakers.
Some speakers shorten the name "double u" into "dub-u" or just "dub"; for example, University of Wisconsin, University of Washington, University of Wyoming, University of Waterloo, University of the Western Cape and University of Western Australia are all known colloquially as "U Dub", and the automobile company Volkswagen, abbreviated "VW", is sometimes pronounced "V-Dub".[21] The fact that many website URLs require a "www." prefix has been influential in promoting these shortened pronunciations, as many speakers find the phrase "double-u double-u double-u" inconveniently long.
In other Germanic languages, including German (but not Dutch, in which it is pronounced wé), its name is similar to that of English V. In many languages, its name literally means "double v": Portuguese duplo vê,[note 4] Spanish doble ve (though it can be spelled uve doble),[22][note 5] French double vé, Icelandic tvöfalt vaff, Czech dvojité vé, Estonian kaksisvee, Finnish kaksois-vee, etc.
Former U.S. president George W. Bush was given the nickname "Dubya" after the colloquial pronunciation of his middle initial in Texas, where he spent much of his childhood.

[note 1] Pronounced /ˈdʌbəl.juː/ in formal situations, but colloquially often /ˈdʌbəjuː/, /ˈdʌbjuː/, /ˈdʌbəjə/ or /ˈdʌbjə/, with a silent l.

如果你嫌太长不看,简单来说,就是:double U, V 或者 double vé 都是常见念法;第一种读法的简化音见 note 1, 大埔溜完全是汉语母语者听不清自己搞出来的念法(我本以为是经过俄国中转传入的 j 化现象,但想了想俄语的 j 化也不是这么搞的)。
2021-07-04 22:24:26 +08:00
回复了 changwei 创建的主题 Windows Win10 下最好用的看图软件是?
大家还记得 Windows Live Essentials 吗?里面有个 Photo Gallery.
![]( https://i.imgur.com/PO9wuiV.png)
Windows Photo Viewer 以前我也在用,但最近发现有越来越多的 JPEG 文件打不开了(找了半天也没有找到具体是什么原因)。因此就切换到 Photo Gallery 了。
2021-06-30 04:44:22 +08:00
回复了 MakeItGreat 创建的主题 Windows LTSC 2022 会基于 10 还是 11?
Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise/Home 的 21H2 是 build 19044; 但我盲猜 Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2022 会是基于 Fe 分支的 build 20348, 因为 Server 2022 的版本号已经锁定了,就是基于 Fe 分支的 20348.
如果是基于 19044 的 Vb 分支的话,就相当于还是 19041, 也就相当于在使用一个 2019 年冬就锁定功能的分支,也就相当于离上一个 LTSC (1809, build 17763) 中间只间隔了 1 个分支 (build 18362/3), 实在有点说不过去。
观察目前已有的几个 LTSC/B 分支的版本号:10240, 14393, 17763; 下一个版本号是 20348 而非 19044 的可能性是不是更大一些?
2021-06-30 04:30:23 +08:00
回复了 dingwen07 创建的主题 Windows 难道 Windows 11 就是 Windows 10 21H2?
这是 Windows 11 的 21H2, 和 Windows 10 的 21H2 是两回事。两者之间的关系就类似于「 A 产品的 21 年秋季更新」和「 B 产品的 21 年秋季更新」一样,没有关联。Windows 10 的 21H2 已经被证明了版本号是 19044.
@yuann72 我 14 吋 1080p 的笔电屏幕开 100% 缩放有的时候还嫌一些网页的字号太大了遂在浏览器里开 90% 缩放呢 :)
2021-05-28 12:06:00 +08:00
回复了 ysy950803 创建的主题 Android Google 原生系统手机有旗舰处理器吗?
@demonkaka 你是说 Xperia 5 III 还是说降价?如果是前者,今年是一块儿出的;如果是后者,现在降价幅度也不行了,往往得隔代才能降得多些。不过我本来就没有准备换,毕竟之前的 XZ2 还没坏。
2021-05-28 12:03:39 +08:00
回复了 ysy950803 创建的主题 Android Google 原生系统手机有旗舰处理器吗?
@yogogo 我 XZ2 都没坏……电池健康度仍有 90%. SONY 就是这点不行,产品质量太好了。
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