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2 天前
回复了 LUO12826 创建的主题 MacBook Pro M1 Pro 用户换 M4 Pro 的感受和碎碎念
@yucao 同配置 M1 Pro ( 32G+1TB ),有点再几个月公司自购后换 M4 Pro ,差别不大就考虑等 0 元购了
贴一个记录参考,2012 年左右上架的 app ,2020 收到苹果的邮件,后来被下架了(邮件通知到下架间隔 1.5 个月; App 没在维护也没啥用户没所谓),苹果的邮件:

Dear Sir or Madam,

On 5/30/2020, we received a notice from ----- (“Complainant”) that Complainant believes your application named "---" infringes Complainant’s intellectual property rights. In particular, Complainant believes you are infringing its trademark, thereby blocking Complainant from using it on the App Store.

Developer: ----
Provider: ----
App Title: ----
Apple ID: -----

You can reach Complainant through ----- (email: -----), copied on this email. Please exchange correspondence directly with Complainant.

We look forward to receiving written assurance that your application does not infringe Complainant's rights, or that the parties are taking steps to promptly resolve the matter. If you wish to free up your app name for use by Complainant, you will need to either rename or delete your app. Please see the App Store Connect Developer Guide for instructions https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store-connect/, and keep us apprised of your progress.

Please note that during the course of this matter:

1. Correspondence to Apple must include the reference number noted above in the subject line and copy the other party. All correspondence sent to Apple may be shared with the other party.

2. Written assurance of rights may include confirmation that your application does not infringe Complainant’s rights, an express authorization from Complainant, or other evidence acceptable to Apple, and should include documentation wherever possible.

3. Developers with a history of allegations of repeat infringement, or those who misrepresent facts to Apple and/or the Complainant are at risk for termination from the Developer Program.

4. Failure to respond to the Complainant or to take steps toward resolving a dispute may lead to removal of the app(s) at issue as in violation of the App Store Review Guidelines and/or the iOS Developer Program License Agreement. Please keep Apple apprised of your progress.

Thank you for your immediate attention.



 Apple Legal | Apple | One Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 95014 | mailto:[email protected]
The information in this e-mail and any attachment(s) is intended solely for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipients. This message may be an attorney-client communication protected by privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not review, use, copy, forward, or otherwise disseminate this message. Please notify us of the transmission error by reply e-mail and delete all copies of the message and any attachment(s) from your systems. The use of the sender's name in this message is not intended as an electronic signature under any applicable law. Thank you.
150 天前
回复了 JaaaaackZheng 创建的主题 汽车 深圳打工要不要买车
M1 Pro 32G/1T 感觉还能再战几年。。。
157 天前
回复了 snsn 创建的主题 AirPods Airpods 4 补单只耳机 599 元
咸鱼寻找有缘人。。 补过两次了。。
最近 618 ,各个平台对广告投入都很高,为了捞一波,广告平台也会控制更容易跳转到广告的目标内容,啥也不做过了这段时间就会好一点
@iyeatse 使用应用本身不会带来收入,甚至会增加成本, 所以一般有广告的是用户对应用的功能有比较强烈诉求的; 比起会员收入,广告可能还更可观。。
@Aowuwu 我也有, 电池 81%,死活不下 80 ,虽然爱思显示 80 了。。
2024-01-05 11:48:21 +08:00
回复了 konglong1 创建的主题 游戏 uu 加速器 有没合租滴 自用 pc ip:广州
2023-12-22 11:03:01 +08:00
回复了 johnzr 创建的主题 macOS MacOS 系统下好用的输入法
QIM ,好像很少有人知道了,用了十多年。。
2023-10-25 09:41:23 +08:00
回复了 alexcding 创建的主题 Apple 苹果宣布十月三十一号发布会: 主题是 Mac 飞快惊人
要支持光追的话,顺便让米忽悠出原神 Mac 版就厉害了。。
2023-10-24 19:16:09 +08:00
回复了 xiaoqi6pi112 创建的主题 iPhone iPhone 15 pro 双十一 最低价 预测
pdd 看了下,现在 iPhone 好像都下了
2023-10-13 14:10:34 +08:00
回复了 huajia2005 创建的主题 Apple 订多了武汉今天到店取货的 15pro 原色 128G,有没有需要的
@oreainters 感谢。。准备用起来。。
2023-09-22 12:34:52 +08:00
回复了 honkew 创建的主题 iOS 现在 IOS 应用上架必须强制 ATS(强制 HTTPS)吗
2023-01-15 01:38:49 +08:00
回复了 xinmans 创建的主题 Apple ipad2 air 的主板摔坏了,屏幕还是好的,尸体还能二次利用吗
2022-12-30 21:30:43 +08:00
回复了 8675bc86 创建的主题 Apple 建一个黑果爱好者交流群
大学用了四年黑果; 现在偶尔想搞一下,把驱动什么的全搞好就扔着只用 Windows 打游戏了。。哎。。平常干活有 MacBook
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