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2020-02-02 12:44:05 +08:00
回复了 iTvX 创建的主题 macOS 分享,用 Little Snitch 可以成功阻止搜狗输入法上传数据
2020-02-02 09:36:55 +08:00
回复了 matrix67 创建的主题 汽车 有没有啥开车技巧?
@aut0man 我理解是低档位发动机转速太高 抖动厉害,所以发虚。
2020-02-01 13:10:42 +08:00
回复了 matrix67 创建的主题 汽车 有没有啥开车技巧?


我在晚上是这么开高速的(一个近十年驾龄的老司机,):1,我的车灯不太亮,最好的办法等高级车(奥迪等灯比较亮的),让他们在前面跑,然后跟着他们走,距离 150-200 米,让他们先趟水,自己跟着,这样开车很轻松;有什么问题,观注他们的尾灯,这样跟车不太累。如果出现问题,他们都会亮刹车灯的,看到前面的刹车灯,你就知道怎么做了。如果对方紧急变线+刹车:无论你看没看到什么,跟着前车做:有一年驾车去成都,在贵州地,车速 100,突然前车紧急变线+急刹,我看不到前面发生了什么,右侧没车,于是跟着前车紧急变线+急刹,完全刹停后,车头已与路中间的故障车头平齐了,让同车的人都吓了一跳,如果我当时没有那么做,追尾是免不了的了。
2020-01-31 11:26:38 +08:00
回复了 matrix67 创建的主题 全球工单系统 微博网页版挂了? Server: venus245 不服务啦。
我这刷新一下到后端的 app server 大概能 roll 出 7 8 台的样子。
2020-01-30 09:37:55 +08:00
回复了 0bject 创建的主题 问与答 如何处理一个 1.5G 的 json
@gabon 233333
2020-01-29 11:05:34 +08:00
回复了 ljpCN 创建的主题 问与答 出版社用什么排版软件?
侯捷的技术书籍排版都是用的 word。

其他出版社直接接受 pdf 的话 你自己使用 latex 也可以排出来的
2020-01-25 16:05:52 +08:00
回复了 Eagleyes 创建的主题 Apple 感觉随着年龄的增大,越来越不愿意升级软件了
tombkeeper: 2012 年,putty、WinSCP、SSH Secure 等软件的汉化版被植入后门。
2017 年,XShell、Xmanager 官方发布版被植入后门。
所以,TeamViewer 这事儿可不新鲜,未来一定还会发生。



如果你在使用 2009 年发布的远程访问软件,如果里面有后门,那这个后门必须能做到 10 年都不被发现才行。
2020-01-23 10:23:40 +08:00
回复了 Ettup 创建的主题 旅行 朝鲜旅游回来,分享一些照片(多图预警)
楼主博客不错就是加载有点慢。建议搞个好点的 cdn
2020-01-23 10:15:46 +08:00
回复了 Ettup 创建的主题 旅行 朝鲜旅游回来,分享一些照片(多图预警)
2020-01-21 12:23:29 +08:00
回复了 feng32 创建的主题 程序员 Kubernetes Service: 集群内调用如何优先使用本地的 Pod?
service ip 上配权重?
2020-01-16 21:51:45 +08:00
回复了 CEBBCAT 创建的主题 Google Google 搜索又作妖了(小改了结果样式)
@aligo 赞啊
2020-01-13 18:24:52 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 使用指南 请不要再把支付宝集五福的 spam 发到这里
2017-03-30 22:25:41 +08:00
回复了 xiaopenyou 创建的主题 问与答 有没有门槛低的、对各种软件 hack 的工具?(WIN)
windows 就是不太开放的。特别还是图形界面。又是商业软件。
2017-03-06 09:23:36 +08:00
回复了 wanquribao 创建的主题 分享发现 我爱听的 Podcasts
2017-03-03 12:57:07 +08:00
回复了 willakira 创建的主题 云计算 Amazon S3 的事故报告出来了… Typo…
playbook 的话肯定是 ansible 吧。 salt 不叫这个名字。
2017-03-01 09:41:38 +08:00
回复了 Austing 创建的主题 Amazon Web Services AWS US-EAST-1 炸啦
The issues appear to be affecting Adobe ’ s services, Amazon ’ s Twitch, Atlassian ’ s Bitbucket and HipChat, Autodesk Live and Cloud Rendering, Buffer, Business Insider, Carto, Chef, Citrix, Clarifai, Codecademy, Coindesk, Convo, Coursera, Cracked, Docker, Elastic, Expedia, Expensify, FanDuel, FiftyThree, Flipboard, Flippa, Giphy, GitHub, GitLab, Google-owned Fabric, Greenhouse, Heroku, Home Chef, iFixit, IFTTT, Imgur, Ionic, isitdownrightnow.com, Jamf, JSTOR, Kickstarter, Lonely Planet, Mailchimp, Mapbox, Medium, Microsoft ’ s HockeyApp, the MIT Technology Review, MuckRock, New Relic, News Corp, OrderAhead, PagerDuty, Pantheon, Quora, Razer, Signal, Slack, Sprout Social, StatusPage (which Atlassian recently acquired), Travis CI, Trello, Twilio, Unbounce, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Vermont Public Radio, VSCO, Xero, and Zendesk, among other things. Airbnb, Down Detector, Freshdesk, Pinterest, SendGrid, Snapchat ’ s Bitmoji, and Time Inc. are currently working slowly.

2017-03-01 09:37:48 +08:00
回复了 matrix67 创建的主题 问与答 amazon s3 挂了。
影响服务: http://venturebeat.com/2017/02/28/aws-is-investigating-s3-issues-affecting-quora-slack-trello/

The issues appear to be affecting Adobe ’ s services, Amazon ’ s Twitch, Atlassian ’ s Bitbucket and HipChat, Autodesk Live and Cloud Rendering, Buffer, Business Insider, Carto, Chef, Citrix, Clarifai, Codecademy, Coindesk, Convo, Coursera, Cracked, Docker, Elastic, Expedia, Expensify, FanDuel, FiftyThree, Flipboard, Flippa, Giphy, GitHub, GitLab, Google-owned Fabric, Greenhouse, Heroku, Home Chef, iFixit, IFTTT, Imgur, Ionic, isitdownrightnow.com, Jamf, JSTOR, Kickstarter, Lonely Planet, Mailchimp, Mapbox, Medium, Microsoft ’ s HockeyApp, the MIT Technology Review, MuckRock, New Relic, News Corp, OrderAhead, PagerDuty, Pantheon, Quora, Razer, Signal, Slack, Sprout Social, StatusPage (which Atlassian recently acquired), Travis CI, Trello, Twilio, Unbounce, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Vermont Public Radio, VSCO, Xero, and Zendesk, among other things. Airbnb, Down Detector, Freshdesk, Pinterest, SendGrid, Snapchat ’ s Bitmoji, and Time Inc. are currently working slowly.
2017-02-28 12:48:38 +08:00
回复了 blahgeek 创建的主题 分享发现 Linux / Windows / macOS 全平台的 Alfred 替代出现了
altrun windows 下的。还可以,占用很少。
todo list 不错

1. Sid: shared a public link to this document from @gitlabstatus, https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus/status/826591961444384768
2. Update sentry DSN to production as it ’ s updated for staging to point to a different project
3. Try to restore webhooks
4. Remove the users we removed earlier today due to spam/abuse.
5. Create outage issue
6. Create issue to change terminal PS1 format/colours to make it clear whether you ’ re using production or staging (red production, yellow staging)
7. Show the full hostname in the bash prompt for all users by default (e.g., “ db1.staging.gitlab.com ” instead of just “ db1 ”)
8. Somehow disallow rm -rf for the PostgreSQL data directory? Unsure if this is feasible, or necessary once we have proper backups
9. Add alerting for backups: check S3 storage etc.
10. Consider adding a last successful backup time in DB so admins can see this easily (suggested by customer in https://gitlab.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/58274)
11. Figure out why PostgreSQL suddenly had problems with max_connections being set to 8000, despite it having been set to that since 2016-05-13. A large portion of frustration arose because of this suddenly becoming a problem.
12. Upgrade dbX.cluster to PostgreSQL 9.6.1 as it ’ s still running the pinned 9.6.0 package (used for the Slony upgrade from 9.2 to 9.6.0)
13. Flush Redis cache once the DB has been restored
14. Add server hostname to bash PS1 (avoid running commands on the wrong host)
2017-02-01 12:12:22 +08:00
回复了 ZE3kr 创建的主题 GitLab GitLab.com 误删了数据,现在彻底挂了

YP thinks that perhaps pg_basebackup is being super pedantic about there being an empty data directory, decides to remove the directory. After a second or two he notices he ran it on db1.cluster.gitlab.com, instead of db2.cluster.gitlab.com

2017/01/31 23:27 YP - terminates the removal, but it ’ s too late. Of around 310 GB only about 4.5 GB is left - Slack

然后他们还想用这个方法 恢复。难道他们是现场 google 的?应该不会吧。

JEJ: Probably too late, but isn't it sometimes possible if you make the disk read-only quickly enough? Also might still have file descriptor if the file was in use by a running process according to http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/101247/213510

Azure 这个删的快。想到 adobe 那个梗。 mac 要放个 adobe 压压惊。

Also, Azure is apparently also really good in removing data quickly, but not at sending it over to replicas.
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