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2022-07-14 19:18:49 +08:00
回复了 colatea 创建的主题 程序员 当爹的程序员,能为孩子的教育做点什么贡献?
作为程序员可以利用自己获取信息的优势多给孩子找些一手的外语学习素材,外语学习越早效率越好,也能让孩子早些接触多元的文化,不至于偏信则暗。以后有条件的话也可以考虑送孩子出国读书,国内教育不只是卷的问题,还有价值观培养过于单一和偏颇的问题。参差多态乃幸福之本源,如果只能在国内接受进一步教育,可以参考#18 的建议加以引导补充
2022-07-14 18:24:19 +08:00
回复了 MID 创建的主题 macOS 用 M1 Mac mini 做 NAS 怎么样?是不是一个更划算的选择?
Mac mini 是否是更合适的选择还值得讨论讨论,说是更划算的选择,excuse me ?
2022-07-14 17:25:26 +08:00
回复了 dicc 创建的主题 问与答 需要多长时间灯泡才能点亮
@dunn 电子移动的速度远小于光速,电场传播的速度是光速
2022-07-14 12:33:41 +08:00
回复了 villivateur 创建的主题 Amazon Web Services 因为不了解 AWS 付费模式,被自己坑了,哭
@evilStart 后付费的 lightsail 可以用,只不过楼主用不了那么多,到期之后没用完的 credit 就浪费了
2022-07-14 11:48:42 +08:00
回复了 meisen 创建的主题 程序员 国内平台几乎全是手机验证登陆,为何还要设置密码?
2022-07-14 10:42:19 +08:00
回复了 brader 创建的主题 程序员 我的环境项目是否有必要支持到 windows?
2022-07-14 10:27:41 +08:00
回复了 Davic1 创建的主题 问与答 浅讨论一下, 是什么原因让微信变成了"国民"App?
@ScepterZ 去的地方多了就会发现,还是很多只有微信有而支付宝没有的,至少支付宝做不到一个 App 走遍天下。而且以微信现在的情况,说是垄断应该没有任何问题。上面不想着怎么反垄断,哪怕只是纵容微信继续做大做强,做到十亿人民人手一份,在我看来就算是钦点
2022-07-14 10:08:11 +08:00
回复了 Davic1 创建的主题 问与答 浅讨论一下, 是什么原因让微信变成了"国民"App?
一个 App 就算做的再好,在完全竞争的市场经济环境下也不可能做到全民覆盖的占有率,除非靠其他非市场竞争手段。微信从零起步市场占有率越来越大的原因都说了好多了,但我觉得真正让微信变成“国民”App 享受无可替代的垄断地位的是上面的钦点——各种政务、民生、健康码之类的都一股脑的用微信,没有微信已经到了出门寸步难行的程度,用户微信被任意封号已经到了要跳楼的地步。可以说微信现在已经成为中国人事实上的电子身份证,在微信面前反垄断完全成了摆设,或者说法律都成了摆设,南山必胜客就是这么刚
2022-07-13 18:23:58 +08:00
回复了 acbot 创建的主题 服务器 国内外那个云服务商的机房节点全球覆盖最多?
aws azure gcp 吧,国内信用卡都可以付款

其实很多时候可以通过 cdn 来实现全球加速访问,没必要每个国家都部署服务。而且有些互联网不发达的国家硬去部署效益也不高。一般来说跟着这些大型云服务商的节点走就差不多了,他们的数据中心的分布大致符合互联网的密度规律
Stack Overflow
@technet 此 keychain 非彼 keychain ,是 iOS 提供给 App 的卸载后仍可保留的用户不可访问也不可控制读写的私密存储空间,本意是为了方便 App 保存一次性内购等重要记录,防止用户误删 App 导致虚拟资产无法恢复进而出现大量投诉,但现在被滥用的很厉害。这部分数据如果 App 自己不主动删,现阶段只能通过抹掉所有内容和设置或连电脑不保留数据恢复 iOS 来清空
2022-07-13 00:43:51 +08:00
回复了 8520ccc 创建的主题 程序员 一文简单明了说明为什么 float64 float32 会有精确缺失的问题
@yayiji 0.5 的二进制不就是 0.1 吗
2022-07-12 23:36:46 +08:00
回复了 dongdongdong 创建的主题 阅读 请求下各位怎么看书的
7.使用解释性的提问和简单类比。无论何时遇到难懂概念的困扰,都要自己想一想,怎样解释才能让 10 岁小孩都明白这个概念?使用类比真的有用,比如电流就像水流。不要只想解释,要大声说出来或者写下来。凭着嘴上说手上写的功夫,你能把所学知识编译(将知识转换到神经记忆结构中)到更深的记忆中。
8.专注。关掉手机和电脑上所有会干扰你的提示音和闹铃,并在计时器上设定 25 分钟。你要在 25 分钟之内集中注意力,并尽可能勤奋工作。计时器的时间一到,给自己一个小小的、有趣的奖励。一天中安排几个这样的工作期间,能实实在在地推进你的学习进度。试着规定学习时间和地点,不要瞄电脑和手机,让学习变得自然而然。
2022-07-12 23:32:43 +08:00
回复了 dongdongdong 创建的主题 阅读 请求下各位怎么看书的


1. Use recall. After you read a page, look away and recall the main ideas. Highlight very little, and never highlight anything you haven’t put in your mind first by recalling. Try recalling main ideas when you are walking to class or in a different room from where you originally learned it. An ability to recall—to generate the ideas from inside yourself—is one of the key indicators of good learning.
2. Test yourself. On everything. All the time. Flash cards are your friend.
3. Chunk your problems. Chunking is understanding and practicing with a problem solution so that it can all come to mind in a flash. After you solve a problem, rehearse it. Make sure you can solve it cold—every step. Pretend it’s a song and learn to play it over and over again in your mind, so the information combines into one smooth chunk you can pull up whenever you want.
4. Space your repetition. Spread out your learning in any subject a little every day, just like an athlete. Your brain is like a muscle—it can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject at a time.
5. Alternate different problem-solving techniques during your practice. Never practice too long at any one session using only one problem-solving technique—after a while, you are just mimicking what you did on the previous problem. Mix it up and work on different types of problems. This teaches you both how and when to use a technique. (Books generally are not set up this way, so you’ll need to do this on your own.) After every assignment and test, go over your errors, make sure you understand why you made them, and then rework your solutions. To study most effectively, handwrite (don’t type) a problem on one side of a flash card and the solution on the other. (Handwriting builds stronger neural structures in memory than typing.) You might also photograph the card if you want to load it into a study app on your smartphone. Quiz yourself randomly on different types of problems. Another way to do this is to randomly flip through your book, pick out a problem, and see whether you can solve it cold.
6. Take breaks. It is common to be unable to solve problems or figure out concepts in math or science the first time you encounter them. This is why a little study every day is much better than a lot of studying all at once. When you get frustrated with a math or science problem, take a break so that another part of your mind can take over and work in the background.
7. Use explanatory questioning and simple analogies. Whenever you are struggling with a concept, think to yourself, How can I explain this so that a ten-year-old could understand it? Using an analogy really helps, like saying that the flow of electricity is like the flow of water. Don’t just think your explanation—say it out loud or put it in writing. The additional effort of speaking and writing allows you to more deeply encode (that is, convert into neural memory structures) what you are learning.
8. Focus. Turn off all interrupting beeps and alarms on your phone and computer, and then turn on a timer for twenty-five minutes. Focus intently for those twenty-five minutes and try to work as diligently as you can. After the timer goes off, give yourself a small, fun reward. A few of these sessions in a day can really move your studies forward. Try to set up times and places where studying—not glancing at your computer or phone—is just something you naturally do.
9. Eat your frogs first. Do the hardest thing earliest in the day, when you are fresh.
10. Make a mental contrast. Imagine where you’ve come from and contrast that with the dream of where your studies will take you. Post a picture or words in your workspace to remind you of your dream. Look at that when you find your motivation lagging. This work will pay off both for you and those you love!
(Oakley, Barbara A., 1955-, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel At Math and Science. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2014.)
2022-07-12 12:21:54 +08:00
回复了 Suigintou 创建的主题 问与答 寻求 Windows 无隐私问题,并且好用的第三方输入法
2022-07-12 09:49:40 +08:00
回复了 Davic1 创建的主题 Apple 吐槽一下国内运营的游戏环境
2022-07-11 13:45:47 +08:00
回复了 v2tudnew 创建的主题 Google 账户验证详细过程
@learningman /t/865306
上一个帖子前排热心回复的 V 友都被他怼了。真可谓帮忙有风险,回复需谨慎
2022-07-11 13:36:06 +08:00
回复了 sardina 创建的主题 程序员 有人用 gitlab 极狐吗,体验如何
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